I think we’re finding out that there’s not as many true conservatives as people thought. And
Of course a true conservative will be deemed “unelectable” by the MSM
Of course a true conservative will be hated by the Washington establishment GOP-like Dole, McCain, McConnell etc (I note that many of the House Freedom Caucus have endorsed Cruz)
Spare me the “nasty” “liar” rebuttals. The last supposed Cruz “lie”-false Gowdy Facebook-has been debunked
“(I note that many of the House Freedom Caucus have endorsed Cruz)”
Isn’t that the same group that endorsed Ryan?
Enough with the sweeping generalizations. I have no idea whether Ted Cruz is electable...and frankly, neither do you. The election will settle that. But isn't it obvious that if he can't win the nomination, he's probably not?
The question is to me irrelevant. My question is...can he accomplish anything while in office? There's no doubt he's a brilliant lawyer and if I had a case to argue he would be my #1 choice. But as has been said...he's a champion debater, but he doesn't seem to be very impressive one on one. If he can't persuade Senators as a sitting Senator...how successfully can he sell a different path to the Senate, the House, and the public?