This is not news. I don’t think Trump cares if anyone approves of his life. I don’t approve of some of the things he has said. I do approve of many things he has done, esp when he has spontaneously shown generosity to private citizens and vets.
I also believe he loves America and is interested in making it better for his kids and grandkids. I think he’s a real person who has lived a full life, good, bad, ugly or pretty.
If the behavior spoken about in this article was a sum total picture of everything he had done and he had no accomplishments in his life, I’d say it looks bad.
Right now it just looks National Enquirer level tawdry. And it distracts from other more pressing issues that need to be discussed and ironed out. I guess it’s just a short break for some.
But, I am making amends (or trying) every day.
Really, that's all one can ask of another.