It is not exactly true that Bush and others in his administration did not defend himself. There was plenty said on all sides. The problem is Bush told the truth and a lot of Americans did not want to hear it or believe it. We were, we are, we will be, in for a long, long war.An ideological war.
People don’t want to face that. Obama smiles and announces the war is over.....easy peasy. but not true. That is what way too many people (including Trump and his followers) want to believe. Or they want to believe something that is equally easy but untrue...Bush lied , people died”
Even before Bush took office we were at war ....or rather war was declared on us.
Everyone put blinders on. 9/11 was just one of many acts of war perpetrated on the west, the U S and its people. The thing Bush did was face the music and call it what it was. He also did something that people also don’t like.
He fought.
He fought, not the easy way that Trump does, with his mouth. He committed us to war. And once again people don’t like it because war is not a simple linear walk from point A to point B is messy and full of pitfalls and it takes courage and fortitude. But like it or not Bush and the military fought, made changes in strategy and did what needed to be done. And in doing that he kept America safe.
Then as so often happens with the human condition. Way too many people put the blinders right back on.... where they remain. Trump may win and people may cheer just as Obama did win and people did cheer..... but he will continue to be wrong about so much.
And like Obama I don’t see that he will learn on the job. He is awfully fond of his blinders
I am not a Trump fan. He had never had any attraction for me in any way. I’ll vote for him if he is the nominee. But a troubling thing for me is to hear Code Pink endorse the things he says.
I have stood outside Walter Reed Many times across from the Code Pinkos, and I despise them and every single thing about them, top to bottom.
It is problematic to hear them praise Donald Trump on 9/11 related issues, because THOSE people are mentally ill. ALL of them.