I had to have my kitty have dental work a couple of years ago. He was 16 at the time. Lost him in July 2015 then lost my female kitty in December. Dental work on kitties can be challenging because they have to put them under. Hope your kitty is doing good.
Good to see you hear again, MLL.
Sabrina should be fine after her surgery tomorrow. The vet just has to smooth down a jagged spot in her jaw bone where a couple of teeth were removed last month. The jag broke through the gum and made her mouth tender. She’s still young enough to handle the anesthesia ok.
We have a LOT of cats (is THAT an understatement. lol) and are fortunate to have an awesome vet.
And we’ve lost a lot of cats over the years so I can sympathize with the loss of yours. Your one kitty had a good long life, though, and that’s great. Was your female also an older cat?