Cruz voted FOR TPA at the same time as he was STILL pushing huge increases in H1B visas. He said research shows that immigrants create jobs.
Then he said he did not know that program was being abused. (Although Disney was splashed all over the news.)
And he did not know McConnell lied to him about TPA
And he did not know Corker/Iran was not the best we could do.
And he did not know he was a Canadian citzen.
And he did not know he had to file official paperwork on a loan.
And he did not know he should have told Texans in his Senate race that he has a Canadian birth certificate.
And he did not know that Glen Beck is a loon.
And he did not know he did not lose his health insurance
And he did not know he really did not liquefy all his assets
And he is, according to his professor, Alan Dershowitz, off the charts brilliant.
Something does not quite add up, does it,