It won’t be pretty. But we must first win the war to effect the recovery. And to do that, we have to have the courage to fight.
Again, just like Purim. The king (Achashverosh) couldn't rescind the law (thems the rules), so he gave the Jews the permission to kill their enemies *before* the decree of Haman was to be enacted.
Thus the decree was nullified without it being rescinded.
Haman Obama gleefully constructed gallows for Mordecai America. It he knew what he were doing, he wouldn't do that.
Reminds me of what the arrogant fool wrote on the 1 WTC tower:
We remember
We rebuild
We come back stonger.
In a flipped over way, he really did get it exactly right. He wasn't speaking as a member of "We the People", but of Amalek. Yet that's how the story turned about with the Jews.
The writing on the beam all the way at the top of the tower is Obama's decree that he wrote for America, on Obama's gallows. What a maroon.