Hi Pat,
I agree they shouldn’t take a recess and may not. One thing that I’ve heard (and honestly don’t know much about) is Jan 3 to Jan 20, 2017 where the Senate is automatically out (I guess until the new senators are sworn in). I worry about Obummer trying to put a recess appointment in at that time. Folks on TV have said he shouldn’t even try it, given that the SCOTUS ruled that he couldn’t do a recess apt on the FCC or FSLRB (think it was the latter, but don’t recall right now). I think there is absolutely nothing that Obummer (and his puppet masters, ValJar and Soros)won’t do. He’s leaving office - what does he care, except lately he seems to care about his legacy and this will be one more notch in his belt, or so he thinks. I just hope Ruth BG hangs on for another year.
Hey SC, that also applies to the Supreme Court. They are not in session during that time, or certainly don’t have to be.
So even IF Obama makes a recess appointment then, the appointee will never vote a single time in those 3 weeks, and will be officially out when the new Congress is sworn at the same time.
The only fly-in-the-ointment to all this is if the democrats win in November. Then the country might as well be lost.
we have the same worries.
s I think a recent appointment is well within the cards with this gang they are completely lawless. why would they all of a sudden want to obey laws or much less accepted precedent unless they are already covered.