Whether the allegations are true or not, failing to put all of this to rest is a serious strategic mistake by the Cruz campaign.
failing to put all of this to rest is a serious strategic mistake by the Cruz campaign.Maybe they've tried but can't
“Whether the allegations are true or not, failing to put all of this to rest is a serious strategic mistake by the Cruz campaign.”
That would seem to be obvious. And it is also obvious that when your are trying to hide something, you have something to hide.
[[Whether the allegations are true or not, failing to put all of this to rest is a serious strategic mistake by the Cruz campaign.]]
How would you propose he put it to rest? He can’t force the supreme court to take it up, and the supreme court is very unlikely to take it up because congress has been given the power to determine who needs naturalization and who doesn’t- and our long history In the US favors citizenship by descent except for a few cases that violated the person’s citizenship based on naturalization acts which violated NBC ‘at birth’ citizenship- The law now stands that a child born to a citizen is a citizen themselves regardless of where born, and my previous post from the uscis . gov website makes it clear that a child born to a us citizen abroad does not need to be naturalized nor to file for a crab OR a certificate of citizenship (something that is required BEFORE a person can apply for a CRBA I believe)
Recent cases In the courts have made it much much harder for courts to strip a citizen of their citizenship via ‘intent to expatriate’ themselves, which was what earlier courts used to strip people of their citizenship- they implied that a person who didn’t meet certain requirements ‘showed intent to expatriate themselves’, but recent courts have pretty much said that a person basically must show ‘clear intent’ and ‘declare’ in some manner they dont’t wish to be a citizen any longer- (not quite that far, but close)
Citizenship by descent, or citizenship ‘at birth’ has changed down through the ages, but the courts now recognize like the early naturalization act of 1709 that children born to a us citizen are citizens by descent- A sovereign person (any us citizen) has the right to transmit their citizenship to their offspring- just as a sovereign king had the right to declare that any child born to one of their subjects was a subject themselves- regardless of where they were born- same principle- only we aren’t subjects anymore, WE are now the sovereigns