I would love to go see him here in Tampa. Saw him two months ago in Sarasota. But I have responsibilities here at work and from my experience in Sarasota, I know that if I am not there 3+ hours ahead I will have no chance on getting inside.
I do like how Trump is hitting other "SEC" states leading up to SC while the rest of the pack is in SC sucking wind.
Now to South Carolina - it is a OPEN PRIMARY meaning any registered voter can pick any candidate from any party. I wonder how many Reagan Democrats Trump pulls? And those Democrats that do flip for Trump I would have to assume they would pull from Hillary's column while Bernie gets the far left college aged hippie wanna be's.
I read that some of the latest polls has Bernie within 7 points. So Donald sucking some Moderate to Conservative Democrats that would otherwise be voting for Hillary might stand a chance of sinking the SS Hillary.
Thanks for the eyewash...I need that BADLY, after the first picture you posted!