This country is full of a bunch of idiots even conservatives we elect are backstabbing thieves.
Vote for another politician - what was it Einstein said "The Definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result". Remember that when you vote for somebody with a Gov. or Senator in front of the their name and remember you could had a Mr. or a Dr and - you America choose a whore ... err politician. Speaks more of the voters now then the slime that runs this country
Please wax on and lecture me on about the constitutionalist Cruz who would save us, what a bunch of suckers. Like we even have one of those. The constitution is whatever those 9 people say its on any given day. Mondays Truth is Tuesdays injustice. Why even bother writing it down it down at this point - just gets in the way of "Justice".
Vote for Cruz for more of the same it will just be your social engineer telling you what to do.
Jindals off the bus
So true. I’ll vote for the single payer healthcare candidate instead. Not Sanders, the one who donates to nice guys like Reid and Schumer. And let’s not forget the checks he wrote to that classy broad Hillary.