Trump is his own man, calling his own shots, and running his own campaign with his own money, and in the end he will have to live with whatever the result and can say “I did it my way”.
Cruz or no on other candidate can say the same. They are reading scripted statements by staffers, spending Other Peoples Money, and following the advice of political operatives who would have as well been working for John Kerry or John McCain.
Trump may step in it once in a while but it will be his own doing, not some 30-something back in the campaign HQ or a result of some poll-tested phrase that sounded like a good idea at the time.
Well said in post 15
Good summary, and their presidencies would be run the same way. Anti-establishment vs establishment, with the lying and intimidation that goes with it.
While blaming the failure on everyone but him.
POST #15
,,, and his immature , sophomoric name calling is absolutely his own shots . Mocking a physically challenged reporter or Carly’s face etc. will eventually do him in . So much name calling and negative insults will get old to the serious conservative voter . Now we have Jimma Carta endorsing Trump ,, saying he is the most malleable GOP candidate meaning he has switched his positions more than anyone else and he’s right . In the past Trump was hardly a CLOSET liberal on most social issues and the dems will use all those liberal videos of him praising Hillary , Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer etc. if he wins the GOP nomination ,,,, bank on it . .