TRUMP nails CRuse.
Cruz was pushing Roberts hard, from inside the Bush campaign connections. G W Bush finally nominated him.
Mr. Constitution proved to be the main lane for Roberts being at the top of the heap among the Bushies.
Liberal, I guess?
Cruz has so far received $325,000.000.00 from McConnell’s lawyer. uh, huh.
Cruz’ gift of $200,000.00 to McConnell and the NRSC, finally paid off. You know.
Remember, Mississippi?
It went toward the MISSISSIPPI TREATMENT to crush McDaniel, the TParty conservative who was leading that race, and it re-elected McConnell’s mule, Thad Cochran.
Cool, huh?
Yes, that was the year fine TED was Vice Chairman of the old boys club, the NRSC, and had to be so still.
Cruz never uttered a peep for, gave a dime to, or gave a damn about one single conservatives in those 2014 races.
He was greasing his climb with the Old Boys.
Of course, after the race, Ted was right on time. He raised all sorts of billy hell about Mississippi!
Yep. Right on time.
Well said. I can’t believe what a sleaze he has shown himself to be.