How did he commit voter fraud? Oh, you mean by saying Carson dropped out? How did he do this?
At the same time, they trashed Trump.
The "leaders" or whatever they call the head of the Cruz teams, stationed in ALL of the caucus site,had screen shots from CNN ( just the beginning...not the part about getting clothes; just that he was GOING HOME TO FLORIDA ) on their cell phones and showed that to the voters.
It was the 2 things he did, the “voting violation” mailer and then telling Carson voters at the caucuses that Carson was dropping out. Cnn tweeted (before the caucuses started) that Carson was taking a break and going to FL instead of NH or SC after Iowa. Then the Cruz campaign took that info and twisted into a lie basically. I figure they thought they had deniability and could just say it was a “misunderstanding” which is what Cruz apologized for. But really one call to the Carson campaign would have answered the question.