Absolutely correct. Limbaugh under the bus now because he correctly pointed out that Rubio is actually fairly conservative on all but a handful of issues.
I am sure Trumpsters were perfectly happy with Rush when he has defended Trump for quite some time.
I think the nonsensical birther slop Trump tried to tar Cruz with has backfired. Seems like a lot of the radio folks are taking a second look at Trump and not liking what they see.
Not really, Rush doesn't get Trump or his appeal. Screw Rush. He doesn't get it because he is not really a pro American Nationalist and immigration not his thing.
Well, maybe it's "Conservatism" that's the problem then, as currently formulated. The Free-trade cult, this obsession with passing trade bills like TPP, open borders, cheap labor, etc., all of these things are utterly fatal to the country. They only benefit big corporations and the elite, but they destroy the country utterly.
We cannot survive any more of this "Conservatism." It must be destroyed.