Looks like voter fraud...
Late ballot boxes are a sign of voter fraud. When fraud's done boxes are kept back in close races to ‘adjust’ the vote ... Those boxes can't be sent in until the vote is known so the ‘right number’ of votes can be added.
Add too many and the fraud's obvious - add to few and an ‘Al Gore loses in Florida’ thing happens.
The FBI should investigate precincts turning in late boxes - that's where the fraud would have happened. First check the 'dead vote'. When the ‘dead’ vote's high it's a sign fraud is happening.
The way the vote's increased illegally (in the old days) was to vote the people who didn't show up to vote... hence ‘the dead’ were an unintended consequence of voter fraud. Fraud often happens in communities with traditionally higher crime rats... black and minority communities. White liberal elites choose these communities because it decreases the chances anyone will snitch. Did some of the late ballot boxes come from precincts dominated by Mexican meat packer workers?
The FBI can send out letters asking people if they voted - and at what polling station in precincts that have a large 'dead' vote.
We’re officially a Banana Republic.
>> The FBI should investigate precincts turning in late boxes
Would that be the FBI that is part of the Department of Justice that is headed by Loretta Lynch, who works for Barack Obama?
Is that the FBI of which you speak?
Good and I hope he does! I do not consider IA a win for Hillary.