Selected Trump articles on FR, with links, from 12:00 AM to 3:30 PM EST, 2/1/16:
Finally, the Day We've Been Waiting For [Limbaugh]
Even Melania campaigns! Donald Trump uses his family (and invites children aboard his private jet) [DailyMail - large photos]
Koch Brothers' Network Considering Anti-Trump Campaign
Don't Count Ted Cruz Out in Iowa [NBC]
How Trump Did It (planned this run for years) [Politico]
Iowa Caucus DRUDGE Headlines UPDATE...
25% of Feds Would Consider Leaving Their Jobs if Trump Becomes President
Donald Trump is the most electable conservative [Kevin Collins]
Donald Trump sitting pretty in Iowa polls [New York Post]
Sarah Palin: 'Wasn't Hard' To Choose Between Donald Trump And Ted Cruz
Trump defends donations to Clinton Foundation. Does the Donald's explanation settle the issue?
THOUSANDS of Democrats, Independents have CHANGED PARTY to Vote in GOP Caucus (VIDEO)
I'M FOR TRUMP [Bob Lonsberry ]
Trump or Cruz: Who Is the Winning GOP Quarterback?
Emerson College, done entirely over the past 3 days: Trump 27, Cruz 26, Rubio 22
Milo Yiannopoulos DESTROYS Emotional Liberal On Donald Trump [video]
Keep in mind: Many Iowans won't decide until today whom to vote for [WaPo]
Anti-Trump Saudi Prince Tied to Both Rupert Murdoch And Hillary Aide
Quinnipiac Poll (1 February 2016): First-Timers Put Trump Ahead In Iowa GOP Caucus (31-24)
How Household Changes Reset Value [voter demographic chart]
Jerry Falwell Jr To The Brody File: I Want Donald Trump In The Foxhole With Me [CNN]
Insiders: Trump and Clinton Will Carry Iowa
LIVE THREAD: Two Live Trump Rallies Today-Waterloo, IA @ 11:00am & Cedar Rapids @ 1:00 pm.
Trump lends campaign nearly $11 million
The Fate of the Religious Right May Be Foretold in Iowa
Free Republic Straw Poll (February 2016 edition)
A Democrat Explains Why She's Voting For Donald Trump
Emerson College Polling Society: Final Iowa Caucus Numbers for 2016 HRC 51%, BERNIE 43 MOM 4
Breaking Emerson College Iowa Poll: Trump 27 Cruz 26 Rubio 22
What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Be Like? [BBC News]
Microsoft's Bing just called the first four primaries for Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton
Still Report: Trump's Secret Advisors