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To: ManHunter

Federal disclosure rules are there for a reason and the fact is Cruz didn’t disclose his Wall St. connections properly in 2012 and omitted them altogether in 2015.

As Trump himself has pointed out...who borrows a $1,000,000 dollars to attain a job that pays $170K?

...and we’re still waiting to hear from how the Cruz family finances increased 1.5 million dollars since he was first elected.

75 posted on 02/01/2016 10:52:13 AM PST by mac_truck (aide toi et dieu t'aidera)
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To: mac_truck
As Trump himself has pointed out...who borrows a $1,000,000 dollars to attain a job that pays $170K?

For the same reason Trump seeks a job worth $400k.

...and we’re still waiting to hear from how the Cruz family finances increased 1.5 million dollars since he was first elected.

Would that include his wife's salary?

76 posted on 02/01/2016 11:14:42 AM PST by skeeter
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To: mac_truck

Really? “Wall Street” connections? And what would those be? The fact that his wife works for Goldman Sachs (in which Donald Trump owns stock) and that he has a loan with Goldman and one with Citibank? (So do I by the way, as do millions of Americans?)

The same question could be posed to him as well. Why would a billionaire want a job that only pays $400,000 a year?

As for waiting, I’d like to know why Trump paid Salvatore Testa, a known Philadelphia mob boss, twice the market value for a bar he bought from Testa. I’d like to know about his relationship to Nicademo Scarfo and Phillip Leonetti, as well as Anthony Salerno. How is it that the champion of the fight against illegal immigration hired Polish illegals to demolish the Bonwit Teller building, which made way for the Trump Tower, avoiding pension funds, unemployment, and other taxes and fees.

“In a ruling released on Thursday, a Federal judge found that Mr. Trump, a group of his associates and a union official conspired to avoid paying pension and welfare-fund contributions by hiring the immigrants to demolish the old Bonwit Teller building on East 57th Street at Fifth Avenue to make way for Trump Tower.” Yeah, I know, “that was a long time ago!”

82 posted on 02/01/2016 12:22:30 PM PST by ManHunter (You can run, but you'll only die tired... Army snipers: Reach out and touch someone)
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