It has been argued amongst me and my friends that his Presidency isn’t nearly as important as his campaign.
There is NOTHING as dangerous to our country right now as the scourge of Political Correctness.
We are living in an age of thought control. If Trump wins, it is a YUGE blow to the Media, the establishment parties and Political Correctness.
What happens AFTER he becomes President is probly’ just more of the same, but if he kicks down the iron gate created to keep “normal folk” out, we have a chance.
Love him or hate him, Trump is an outsider and “they” can’t stand the thought of him upsetting the apple-cart (much the same way they despised the thought of an outsider like Palin getting “too close”).
Love him or hate him, Trump is an outsider
This is a meme I do not understand in the slightest.
He has been buying access (by his own admission) to politicians for decades, and he’s an outsider?