Of course. You took for your screen name a reference to an old, high-snoot library at Oxford. Of course Sarah is a fishwife to you, a know-nothing nobody once lampooned as a moron blundering around with a salmon in her boot. Your character, personality, existence -- the whole package -- is totally invested in snobbery.
Of course you don't respect her; she needs to respect you, right?
Tons and tons of Atlantic-Slope women despise Sarah Palin right down to the ground. I read their blowtorch comments about Palin when Commentary threw the subject up for discussion five years ago this month. The more Mid-Atlantic they are, the more one-foot-still-on-the-boat they are, the less those critics, especially the women, respect, admire, or like "flyover" America and people.
"High negative" yourself. I'm an American. Bite me.
I picked the screen name because I love to read and I love libraries.
Palin has a high negative with me because she’s done a horrible job of raising her kids.