That is the most shamefull, pitifull, disgracefull photo of Kelly Megyn? Is she actually proud of this moment?
Doe she realize that there are a few others at her network, who many of us fine, more attractive inside and out, and vastly better when it comes to the interview? For example no one on the planet does a major crime story better than Greta. And that look she give her guest occasionally, like “Come on Man!”
In fact, can you imagine being married to Greta and you saunder home like at 2 am in the morning, and she’s waiting for you? Can you imagine the third degree you’d get...(I think her husband is I’m not trying to be morbid here or disrespectful, but I think you know my thoughts. I heard that they had a great marriage....)
I agree. Michael Moore is using her like an old dish towel.
John is very much alive. He had heart surgery this year and many supported her through it on Gretawire. She was so appreciative and open through it.