He wasn't a politician then, so it wasn't even a question of worrying what could get through Congress. That was just his view as a citizen, and if he really thought self-deporting was "mean-spirited", then why should anyone believe he's really going to follow through with forcible deportations -- assuming it is even possible?
I think the guy is a weathervane. Early on, he spoke off the cuff without really thinking through his words a few times, and got a huge response to some of what he said. So he pivoted to that, and now is pushing it hard because he's figured out that is what his audience wants to hear. I just don't believe. If he makes it to the general election, I suspect we'll hear him start saying things that pander more to moderates. But by then, we'll be snookered, and it'll be too late.
Oh well. and Semper Fi.
You bring up a GREAT example but now he is the messiah of anti illegal aliens? He receives a pass because emotion is a powerful thing. Dare I say the “H” word but in the late 30s he used it quite effectively to control the masses. Forget his positions and what he said in the past he is now saying things we exactly want to hear. He is an effective saleman making billions because he is an opportunist. I don’t begrudge him that, that is what highly skilled salesmen look for. In this instance however we are shielding our eyes because he is saying what we want to hear vs holding him accountable for his decades of actions that say otherwise.
This is EXACTLY what got Obama elected. We now have our Obama.