You do realize that the oil company makes like 5 cents a gallon. What is the tax on a gallon? 23 cents federal + state taxes.
Not trying to be argumentative but I do believe in the capitalistic system.
I believe in it, too.
Your wife doesn’t shop at Neiman’s, does she? The lower end stores will mark down. Even Nordstrom & Bloomingdales will, eventually. The high end retailers take years unless it’s ‘’special purchase’’. I’m not talking about the $200 range. To me, that’s still reasonable.
I don’t know where the marketing would be. They do waste a lot of money sending out duplicate catalogues with different covers, though. They’re not in Vogue. I don’t know, but I can’t imagine them on tv.
Who told you that about oil companies? That’s positively ludicrous. There’s no question that it’s an expensive business to be in (which is WHY it’s ludicrous), but my point is that the pursuit of ever escalating profit has climbed beyond all bounds of reason. It’s true in pretty much everything nowdays. What’s wrong with US that we’ve accepted this? Ya can’t blame a guy for tryin, but we’re saps. The trouble with necessities- like energy, safety, food & medical care is that we’re CAPTIVE. The problem is not that there should be some kind of arbitrary ‘’limit’’ on these things. There shouldn’t be. The problem is that people have lost their morality/ ethics & devolved into predation.
I’m not either. I’m just saying that when people lose their heads, bad things often happen. There’s no rational ground between commies & I’m not sure what to call the extreme opposite. We’re fixin to pay for our folly. All of us.