Aren’t you troubled by the idea that this man has to be taught the concept of state sovereignty at this point of his life?
Are you really willing to send a man with whom you fundamentally disagree with on such an important point to Washington on the hope he finally sees the light after he is elected?
I believe too much rides on this next election to take that kind of chance.
I am. But if you Google Trump and Agenda 21 there is info to support that he gets it.
I see Trump as the first shot over the bow. I hope he brings Cruz along as VP. What Trump doesn’t get in his eight years, Cruz could finish in the subsequent eighth years. Sixteen years of recovery.
Trump will clean Hillary’s clock while I think Hillary will beat Cruz. That’s not good for anyone.
I believe Trump genuinely cares about America and wants to do right by her. I’m not troubled by a citizen-statesman-type guy who doesn’t know everything but is teachable. We’ve had too many lawyers doing this stuff which is why we’re in the mess we are in. I don’t buy the “ruling elite” paradigm. I’m much more wary of a know-it-all who’s heart is more about his political future than America’s.