Itâs simple. Moderate is the word for people supporting Trump. They have some conservative positions and some conservative ones. Accept what you are folks. Embrace it.
Norm, you should also accept and embrace the fact that Cruz supported H1B Visas, and that he joined Glenn Beck on the Southern border passing out Teddy Bears and Soccer Balls to illegals. You didn’t forget about this...did you?
I didn’t forget Donnie’s Soros connections, Hillary donations, Sharpton associations or Dreamer guided tours either.
Or Trumps “Sorry conservatives” healthcare promise or touchback Amnesty either.
Address those before throwing crap at Ted Cruz.
What?! He gave soccer balls and teddy bears to the children of illegals?! Oh My God! Hang his traitorous ass! /sarc/
Is that really the best you can do? Wait ‘til “The Donald” starts taking HEAT rounds...