in casual forms of communication, adherence to strict rules of punctuation and grammar are secondary to getting one’s message across... those sarcastically holding to haranguing improper use of the language tend to lose sight of the forest for the trees block the view.
jumping the shark derives its meaning from the episode of Happy Days, where arthur fonzirelli jumps a shark tank with his motorcycle, epitomizing the fact that there were no more realistic episodes left for the show, and the writers resorted to the ridiculous.
such as sarah palin endorsing the donald.
You and I disagree on your lazy and deliberate destruction of the language because of the advent of the smartphone etc.
Yes, everyone posting here knows about the Happy Days episode. What the phrase means is not what you say it means and cannot be applied to Palin’s endorsement of Trump unless you just let it mean anything you like.
Screw your disrespect of my native language! I disrespect your bastardization of it...and the tattoo you’ve applied to yourself remains for all to see until and unless you choose to remove it.