To: Amntn
Well thanks to Trump that dynamic has changed. I think Trump’s original plan was to ignore Iowa because he had it in the bag. Because of declining poll numbers in Iowa, with two weeks to go he is hitting Iowa with everything he has. If Trump wins in Iowa, people will say that Cruz was hit hard by Trump’s birther and ethanol subsidy attacks. This eases the pressure on Cruz.
15 posted on
01/21/2016 6:51:53 AM PST by
(Cruz or Lose. Trump is a progressive populist liberal.)
To: justlittleoleme
This eases the pressure on Cruz.That's similar to Jeb liking his lowly position in the polls. No pressure.
16 posted on
01/21/2016 6:57:11 AM PST by
(Long is the way and hard, that out of Hell leads up to light - John Milton, Paradise Lost)
To: justlittleoleme
That may be how Cruz supporters console themselves but it won’t matter in the end.
19 posted on
01/21/2016 7:08:23 AM PST by
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