In my opinion, after Falwell’s virtual endorsement yesterday and Palin’s today, Trump will win in Iowa. He’ll then win in New Hampshire and South Carolina, and it will be over. Rubio won’t matter, nor will Bush.
It will then be Trump versus the liberal democrats.
We shouldn’t kid ourselves. It’s over.
If it's over, then America is over.
I don't think so. Palin's endorsement will not get Trump any new voters that he wasn't already dragging along. Palin will lose a few supporters but Trump isn't going to get any new ones from her.
Jerry Falwell Jr.'s endorsement is not going to do anything except piss off Tea Party secularists.
Neither Palin's endorsement nor Falwell's endorsement will change me. I see Trump for the Crony Capitalist, abortion supporting, Clinton supporting, Obama Supporting, con man that he is.
His endorsement of more Ethanol Subsidies and his support for McConnell over Cruz is not going to go over well with people who are anti-establishment.
Nobody has voted yet. Trump may win Iowa because he pandered to the Crony Farm Capitalists. But when he starts pandering to the Oil Lobby in Texas and the Banking lobby in New York people are going to realize he is about as solid as a soap bubble.
See tagline.
In my opinion, after Falwellâs virtual endorsement yesterday and Palinâs today, Trump will win in Iowa. Heâll then win in New Hampshire and South Carolina, and it will be over. Rubio wonât matter, nor will Bush.
It will then be Trump versus the liberal democrats.
We shouldnât kid ourselves. Itâs over.