Trump marches to no one, for better or worse.
He readily admits he marched to the beat of any and every drummer as long as he could squeeze a contract out of them, i.e., he was "for sale" to the highest bidder, and more than willing to talk out of both sides of his mouth in order to get an extra million bucks.
But now we are told that, at age 69, the man (who never had to ask God for forgiveness) says he's a changed man.
Just 5 years ago Trump gave very big bucks to Harry Reid, for crying out loud, and NOTHING to Tea Party candidate Sharon Angle in a CLOSE race, Obama had Reid protecting his wing BECAUSE TRUMP put him there. Beyond self-serving big talk, where is the evidence he's changed? Please itemize for us:
Evidence List:
Correct, there ain't no steenkin' evidence.