Would you support Cruz for the Supreme Court?
Would you support Cruz for the Supreme Court?
1 million times YES!!!!!!! He would be incredible and only 44 years old, we could have him 35-40 years or longer on the Court. It would be awesome.
I also wouldn’t mind him being AG.....in fact, if Trump wanted to make him AG and then right before second term put him on the Court.....either way is incredibly fine with me.
“Would you support Cruz for the Supreme Court?”
I wouldn’t. He’s been proven to be too easily swayed by less conservative people while in his current position. We need someone tougher as SCOTUS. Look what (alleged) Roberts did. Cruz made wrong decisions. He knew they were wrong when he made them so was careful to build in some wiggle room for a rationalization later on if necessary. Not tough enough. (”I believed Mitch McConnell.”)
He’d be OK for AG.
Maybe. It would take a few years for him to prove himself to be true to his word in order to make that a viable thing for me to support.
Right now, I don’t trust the guy at all and I wouldn’t support him for dog catcher.
“Would you support Cruz for the Supreme Court?”
You didn’t ask me, but my answer is “Damn Straight!”, I’d LOVE to see President Trump appoint Senator Cruz to the Supreme Court!