Whoa... great my post, My Friend.
Cruz is a dangerous debater. He’s won numerous contest in Ivy League match ups. He’s the best. His mind is like a computer. One on one with a guy in his 70s and no debater is like an adult arm wrestling a child...
Last night Cruz, was getting in some solid shots on Trump...I mean scoring points, and not backing down. Giving us some memorable quips, like “I’m not going to take legal advice from Donald Trump.”
Then he moves in for the kill on the question of New York values. He starts clean, with NY is a liberal state, pro abortion, gay rights etc....Everyone in the room nods their head, and they understand...but
He keeps talking... and then ends it with being two cute by half...
and says:
“I don’t see too many conservatives coming out of Manhatten.”
Trump who is waiting to be saved by the bell sees an opening and slams a solid right to Cruz’s mid section with:
“Bill Buckley was from Manhatten.”
Then a right and left combination as he talks from the heart about 911 and the values New Yorkers had during that time when they could smell death every day...Even Cruz applauds...
In short, Trump wins the round and the match by a close decision.
Trump is quick on his feet. It’s like he has a database in his hard-drive brain. When Cruz hit him with conservatives not coming out of Manhattan, Trump’s brain ran a quick query and out poped William F. Buckley. Love it!