Welcome to the progressive, social-engineering nanny state, supported by fake currency and massive debt courtesy of the Federal Reserve.
Yep. The next crash may require us starting over. The welfare moochers aren’t going to move out of “their houses” the next time it crashes. We’re just going to be expected to bail them out again.
The fact is that this country has a massive stock of unwanted single family homes that are key to funding municipalities (via property taxes); since young Americans rarely breed and are savvy enough to understand many jobs no longer remain in an area long enough to satisfy a 30 year mortgage, the government is importing people to fill them. They’ve opened the floodgates at the southern border to let them in (despite the terrorism threat), they’ve bent banking regulations to fit them into our financial system (despite the Patriot Act restrictions Americans face when opening bank accounts), and now they have to fit them into the housing market - which is the backbone of much of our economy.
Our government has no idea how to deal with a population of millenials that won’t be tied down (to home, family, or employer).