I’ve been saying for years that we need increase our forces on the Korean Peninsula, as well as have South Korea put up a good reliable missile defense shield. We should increase our forces, in Japan make no mistake we are up against a Iran-North Korea-Pakistan-China axis, as well as their proxy’s we must stand up to this and continue to be becon of freedom
You’re right, of course.We need Donald Trump who can see some daylight here and there to straighten out the situation. We can’t put in just another politician-lawyer. These countries like japan also need to bear some brunt of the costs. I’m tired of us shouldering all the costs and the losses both in lives and in monetary loss around the world.
I love it that Trump keeps firing away with topics that need to be brought to the forefront.
Glad to see you think like me on missile defense shields. We need them in several places and to hell with somebody likes it or not.