I agree that it’s smart politics, but like I said this is the second time Ted has said something in private, that hasn’t been said in public.
It’s bad optics for Ted.
As far as the politics of it, the big play here is that if Trump engages Cruz, it gives Cruz media attention which he needs leading into Iowa/New Hampshire... Media attention Trump has sucked up with his attacks on the Clintons.
As far as Cruz Vs Trump on immigration... Cruz loses this fight, right or wrong, he loses it.
Again, Steve, - it’s not private if one says it at a public campaign rally-— perhaps you’re trying to convey something else.
As for your point that Trump is stronger than Cruz on immigration— that appears to be the significance of Cruz’s current comment-— if Trump is going to bring back illegals, while Cruz is not— Trump’s position is no longer stronger than Cruz’s- look for Cruz to call it amnesty.