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We have a crisis on illegal immigration. Neither party is serious about stopping it. I strongly oppose illegal immigration. I categorically oppose amnesty. I support legal immigrants who come here supporting the American Dream.
I come from the perspective of someone who spent much of my adult life in law enforcement. In a post-9/11 world, it is absolutely unacceptable that we don't know who comes over our borders. We need to do everything humanly possible to secure the borders. Electronic surveillance, a wall, helicopters and, most importantly, boots on the ground. If elected, the first thing I will do is triple the U.S. Border Patrol.
That’s Senate candidate Ted Cruz, speaking to Dustin Siggins in May 2012 in an interview for … Three years before the GOP presidential primary got going, he was calling for a border wall in the border state of Texas. And not just parts of Texas, either. As Cruz made clear in a Senate primary debate that year, he wanted the entire Texas border walled off — even if it meant invoking one of Trump’s favorite federal powers, eminent domain, to do it.