There are those who on this cycle will not vote for any R who does not fit their vision of what a Conservative is. Be that true or not, the end result will be either Hildebeast or Comrade Bernie. If it is Trump, they will either abstain or vote a third party. Same result. It is almost a fatalistic act. Like wishing for the apocalypse. Somewhat like the muzzies doing whatever they can to get that 12th or 13th imam to crawl from the well in some godforsaken hellhole in Iran.
Trump is not evil. Romney is.
With respect, Thumper that is seeing it from an extreme angle. There are those who on this cycle will only vote for what they want to win -- limited government Constitutional conservatism.
More and bigger government done "our" way is what I want to lose, every time. If the R fits that vision of government solving problems, then my vote will go elsewhere.
See my tagline. It isn't about what I don't want -- it's about what I'll own if I win.