Yep. And the false protestations over GMO foods is nothing but a plot to rid the world of Billions of the world’s poor. Heck, there are even many here on this site that believe what they are selling.
Norman Borlaug would be their boogieman.
They spoke openly about the plague of humanity and a planet which, though recorded history, could only support a population of a half billion or so until the invention of evvvvvvvvvvvvvvil capitalism. There were, of course, a select few of them argued that technological advances (which, of course, had nothing to do with evvvvvvvvvvvvvvil capitalism) might allow the planet to support two or even three billion in a sustainable manner, but that a majority of the earth's people had to go.
This is a sick philosophy shared by Bill Ayers and other mentors of ObaMao. It is an underlying reason why they hate capitalism, GMO foods and breakthrough scientists like Norman Borlaug.