As such, you would be correct in saying the American identity, nationalism, symbols and history, good and bad, are personal for me. It's all I can honestly claim, legally or otherwise.
No matter where they came from or what ethnicity my people had, they all legally became Americans who then gave birth to Americans here in America.
You can only give what you have and, with regards to citizenship, all they had to pass on the their heirs was American.
That's how I define a pure American.
With chemistry, if you mix three things together and still have the same thing, then it's pure.
In the chemistry of citizenship our FFs had studied, I believe that legal purity was referred to as "natural born" citizenship.
A natural born citizen is a citizen at birth of one country and nothing else. So, while all natural born citizens are citizens, but not all citizens are natural born.
I don't believe the Founding Father's referred to themselves as mutts, but believed they had started a pure breed.
Works for me. You know, "E pluribus unum"...or something like that.
For me, I’m an American.
Other labels defining what type of American just try to diminish “American”.