To: wally_bert
“Drive a stake and expend a few cases of silver bullets into the remains and burn them. Then throw the ashes into another incenerator just to be sure.”
Not in just one incinerator.. too risky. Distribute the ashes among several incinerators and re-burn thoroughly. Then thinly deposit parts of the ashes in each of the world’s oceans. THAT should do it.
20 posted on
12/15/2015 4:37:35 PM PST by
(If you're not enraged...why?)
To: ScottinVA
Put the ashes in a rocket,shoot it into the sun.Can’t be too careful.
32 posted on
12/15/2015 4:43:45 PM PST by
Farmer Dean
(stop worrying about what they want to do to you,start thinking about what you want to do to them)
To: ScottinVA
I like the classic “rocket into the sun.”
36 posted on
12/15/2015 4:45:04 PM PST by
(Heck? Geewhiz Cripes, thats the place where people who don't believe in Gosh think they aint going.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson