Love you Cruz, don’t grandstand past your time.
CNN’s audience needs the education. Let Cruz speak!
So far Trump and Cruz are doing best, Trump more sensible and focused than I expected, Cruz not surprising me at all.
Christie did surprise me, I expected a couple of strong comments but as far as I can remember he’s looked good every time.
Rand still looks like a petulant child.
Carly should just shut up, he voice still irritates me to no end.
Rubio will lose some support I’m pretty sure
Jeb is right where he belongs about to fall off the big boy stage
Cruz needs to point out that while the path to CITIZENSHIP Rubio is selling is a somewhat long one, he is pushing for an easy and almost instant path to PERMANENT RESIDENCY, which is about 90% as good as citizenship.
Also, Marco says they should pay a fine and START PAYING TAXES.
No American citizen (except Democrat cronies) can evade taxes for 5, 10 or 20 years and then start paying and have their back taxes forgiven.
I don’t support any path to legal status for any illegal, but before we even consider giving any sort of status to illegals they should be required to pay every dime in back Federal, Local and State taxes, plus interest and penalties.