I see a 3-way race, Cruz, Trump and Rubio. You know the supporters of Bush, Kasich, Christie and the rest of the “Little Candidates” are not going to go to Trump, and few will go to Cruz. Carson’s supporters are a little hard to gauge, though I would guess Rubio will get most of them, a lot of people went to Carson because they like the softer voice. Rubio has a pretty big upside still available to him.
It will come down to which of the three is best organized in the delegate hunt aspect of the game.
You are not paying attention.
The support of the drop-outs has consistently gone to Cruz, and it will continue in this fashion.
In that contest, Rubio slips in.
For me the more important question is, what to do if Rubio or Trump gets the R nomination? Either one is a loss for conservatism and another leftward tack.
Imagine -- if next November we're looking at a ballot where we're being asked to vote for Rubio? See my tagline.
I swear, it's Lucy and the football every four years. They don't call it the "stupid" party for nothing. I really almost wish Cruz had/would break free and declare himself an Independent candidate, because he's no more Republican than the man on the moon. In a world where Romney passes for Republican. Trump joined the Republican party six years ago, right when it was becoming the party of Romney. I didn't leave the Republican party, it left me.
Watching it unfold ... all I can say is truth is stranger than fiction.