You can consider the case of Connecticut as well. The state sent letters to people who had tried to register their guns but didn’t meet the deadline. Told them to get rid of their guns.
The state backed down in the face of threats of armed civil disobedience/shows of force. By outside pro-2A groups who said they were going to show up en masse and carry their illegal (under CT law) weapons openly.
You have more faith in this people than I do.
I continue to contend that a people who would not resist infringements on their right to free exercise of Christian faith, resist the imposition of homosexuality upon the nation and accepted abortion as just another fact of life - are not a people who are going to resist the rest of their rights taken away as long as they have full bellies and access to their entertainments.
I just don’t see it as something en masse. The PC movement would not exist had these same folks you are confident will rise up and resist did so when the cost was next to nothing.
I do not doubt that attempts made to register guns will result in non-compliance by the majority of Americans.
I do not see large-scale attempts to confiscate via SWAT teams etc. I expect those will be small and quiet operations at first, to create the climate of fear for non-compliance I spoke of.
Where it will get interesting is when those same folks, who refuse to comply, find themselves on no-fly lists, unable to travel; IRS audits/bank account seizures; etc., etc - how many are gong to go dark and say nothing and do nothing to avoid those consequences? That is where the rubber is going to hit the road on that issue that you cited if it goes national.
For now, I expect Obama to decree gun shows and private sellers to be illegal unless it complies with federal mandates. That along with anyone put on a no-fly list to have their ability to purchase legal firearms - banned.
Until enough Americans declare the entire federal Beast to be illegitimate and void - and be willing to resist it at every level with every fiber of their being, I do not see this evil Beast now ruling us, relenting.
Too many like the Beast, and too many are dependent upon it for their sustenance. You and I are a minority.