CHECK IT OUT--CLINTON FOUNDATION WEB SITE Peruse 276 web pages of obscure programs all of them vehicles to raise money. All of them expecting payback w/ Hillary in the WH.
1271 Avenue of the Americas 42nd Floor
New York, NY 10020
The do-gooder Clintons calculatedly morphed into "The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Family Foundation" ..... giving them even more fund-raising capabilities w/ a friendly "family" aura.
Hillary's State Dept emails were found on the Clinton Foundation server, a valuable commodity on the global market, imperiling our ntl security. Not to forget the State Dept's missing $6 billion---just evaporated into thin air on Hillary's watch.
Paraphrasing VDHanson ....lurid revelations indicate the Clinton Foundation is a huge money-laundering operation fuelling the Clintons affluent lifestyle and their political ambitions.....with well-paid sinecures for the hydra-headed Clinton retinue flitting around w/ scads of money. The serial cover-ups and financial legerdermain are the result of greed and the Clintons naked buck-raking.......
"Smile, everybody, another $100 million came in today."
I fully agree with this. I can't imagine this beast never tripped a "suspicious activity report" under the Act when, you know, a little old lady making a deposit of the week's receipts at a pizza joint in Florida does...but it could be that the Clintons are too smart for that -- hence all the non-bank heads of the monster.
But that kind of smart eventually outdoes itself, doesn't it?