Full Measure has an opening segment on young men becoming radicalized moslems in Europe. Europeans blaming Obama foreign policy for refugee crisis...destabilization of the middle east.
Got a link for that full measure show sure would like to see it one day.(as I post here with no tv....)
Now Obama is not doing so, he supports who we where killing 8 years ago; our enemies.
The Arab Spring, yeah, they sprung form their terrorist hell-hole sand pits into the heart of Europe, thanks to Barrack Hussein.
Full Measure has an opening segment on young men becoming radicalized moslems in Europe. Europeans blaming Obama foreign policy for refugee crisis...destabilization of the middle east.
Saw Cruz ad where he in essence does the same by calling out the failed foreign policy of the current incumbents, and by reference Hilly as she is part of it, but acts like nothing ever happened