Pat...I’m a male so discount my reply. I would not ask him out. If he is interested, he will make it clear to you and take the initiative.
Hang in there Sister!
Abby lol!
Well Kahuna....that’s exactly my thought. If he was interested in me he would asked me out by now. Although I’ve actually been in his company maybe three times in the last four years so it’s not like I see him all that much.
I did a review on his book “Growing up Country”...couple years ago. He is the lawyer for Sussex county, his daughter was my granddaughter’s teacher, he’s handsome, an avid hunter, soft-spoken and......
Honestly, I think he’s attracted to me....women know these things......but husband just died several times I was around him and now....
....well hey, for free legal services, insert wink here.
I do really like the guy and I think he likes me. Because of this ongoing case I will likely be around him the next couple of weeks so now’s my chance.
But you’re right....he probably has a girlfriend....goodness he’s rich, handsome, somewhat famous round these parts...he’s an avid hunter and was once head of the Sussex county GOP back in the 90’s.
My argument is I’ll never know till I try. What the hell, I got tear down my fence, pay the guy’s legal fees, because I did not fill out the court form properly, NOT because I unlawfully built my fence on my neighbor’s property...never mind my perfectly legal survey.
I filled out the form improperly and didn’t hire a lawyer....
I’m going to somehow invite him out for a drink....what I got to lose but a little pride and I have none of that left anyway?