I was just thinking...heh, Stephanopoulos interviewing Clinton....Like Father Tom interviewing the choir.
We need to plug in the gun loophole, she says....also the online loophole.
Let them keep it up....it’s a losing issue I swear.
Once again, she’s a GD liar!!!
You CANNOT buy a firearm online UNLESS you go through a FFL - Federal Firearm License holder. They HAVE to do a background check. Plus, you have to pay for their work.
So if I buy a firearm on Gunbroker.com, for example, I have to pay the full price there, pay for it to be shipped to a local FFL, and then pay him to do my background check and any additional processing fees.
Hillary is so full of shit.
I wish the media would be as 1/100 as vigilant of her statements for truth as they are about Sarah Palin’s!!!
Such ethical-less, pompous, hypocritical bastards.