It’s hard to be sympathetic when you have some Jews that supported this invasion.
Barbara Lerner Spectre (yes, Lois Lerner, the leftist IRS head who used the IRS to attack conservative groups) is on youtube talking about how anti-semitism will be natural reaction when people find out that the Jewish power heads are behind the mass migration of third-worlders into Europe.
Here’s the clip:
Now, as an Evangelical, I consider the true Jewish people (those descended from one of the 12 tribes) to be the apple of God’s eye, his “chosen” people (chosen not to rule the world, but to provide the bloodline for the Messiah who is Jesus), and as such, I am called to stand up for them and for Israel.
But, as Keven MacDonald so pointedly argues in “The Culture of Critique,” the practicing Jew is completely different from the secular Jew. And many (not all) of the secular Jews who have the money and power are at war with Europe. They consider Christian whites to be their enemy.
That is why they support this mass migration of Islamofascists into Europe and into America.
That is why they were the sole group actively fighting for the 1965 Immigration Reform Act, which began the not-so-slow demographic destruction of the European-white majority in America.
I fear for and will stand up for the practicing Jews who defend America and Western Civilization.
The socialist/communist JINOs who created and still support this coming hell...they’re on their own.
Then there are the cultural christian, people who grew up in a christian society with all the benefits from that, who may or may not be practicing their faith but fully support the leftists and their support of a muslim invasion.
I would like to point out that I am Jewish and do not support bringing in refugees from syria.