You can't underestimate his intelligence. He has none. He is an ignorant, stupid, lazy, mouthy community organizer who has never done anything of note, and has no knowledge or experience of anything other than getting a free ride and Partying.
He's stupid. He's very stupid. He is nothing but a loose monkey wrench in a mass of complex gears.
You shoot one of his 'sons' dead breaking Into your house he wants your blood. ISIS and allies shoots dead anyone protecting the west from Islamic invasion, he wants those protectors blood.
So he has the intelligence of a primitive tribal warrior wanting blood. Got it. Doesn't take any brains for that.
He’s not stupid, he’s evil. Get it right.
He’s a constitutional his case it means learning enough about the constitution to circumvent it. If that’s part of his community agitator paradigm so be it.
He is s trained in the destruction of America by scum like Bill Ayres and Bernadine Dohrn and a student of Marxist trash like Saul Alinsky.
I won’t underestimate this POS. I recommend no RIGHT thinking person do either.