No, no actually they could not. Turkey has about 600,000 active military personnel and are generally a first world military (up to NATO standards). Russia has about 800,000 active military personnel with only about a 1/4th at first world standards (if that). As Russia would be the invading force they would need enormous force projection ability - and Russia does not have this. Force projection capability is what sets the US, France and the UK apart from most other nations - especially the US of course.
No Russia could not roll through Turkey. If they were actually going to fight that war they'd either need to use their nukes or have months of conscription, moving equipment into theater, etc. And of course Turkey would see all that going on and do the same, only it would be easier for them.
“No, no actually they could not.”
Ok, I’ll bet ya a dollar.. I’ll take the Ruskie’s..
one week - it’s over...
Russia and Turkey were on opposite sides in the Crimean War and World War I. Turkey was in the NATO camp during the Cold War. Both countries have leverage on the other. Turkey controls the Bosporus Straits, the primary sea route into Russia. Russia supplies the majority of Turkey's natural gas.
Beyond Putin's bluster, attacking Turkey could provoke NATO intervention. Ukraine and the Baltic States could then become a second front. No one, NATO, Turkey, or Russia, is in any condition to start what cannot be finished well.