Terrorists are cowards and will continue to focus on gun free zones.
You can help by ensuring you’re NEVER in a gun free zone....because YOU are packing!
Cowards hide behind children, women, and the elderly, and cover their faces so they're not recognized. Brave people don't do that.
No, they'll adapt tactics. Car bombs not armed raiders, and pipe bombs and suicide bombers in hotel lobbies, that kind of thing.
Until they get a nuclear weapon, or rather a half-dozen or a dozen, and then they'll send them over in Hanjin containers, possibly modified with erector kits and stubby boosters to loft these weapons to the ideal detonation height of ~1000 meters, or about 3500 feet above ground level. Then they're set to go after crowded city centers, and they'll do it. I sure hope Obama has people working below him in the Government whom he hasn't contaminated yet, who are eager and able to prevent any sort of juncture between Salafists and nuclear weaponry.