This despotic narcissist grows more mentally unstable as each day passes. If America is to survive this midget must be removed and locked away in an asylum.
1 posted on
11/22/2015 3:28:48 AM PST by
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To: HomerBohn
Looks like it’s gonna take a Honduran solution, as our representatives only represent themselves.
2 posted on
11/22/2015 3:33:47 AM PST by
(Genesis 1:29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed,)
To: HomerBohn
Are you referring to Congressman Gowdy or (P)resident Obama?
To: HomerBohn
One of 0bamaâs comments struck me as idiotic. He said to the effect that restricting Syrian immigration would hurt our national security.
How could limiting IS terrorists from coming here hurt?
4 posted on
11/22/2015 4:08:06 AM PST by
R. Scott
(Humanity i love you because when you're hard up you pawn your Intelligence to buy a drink)
To: HomerBohn
One of 0bamaâs comments struck me as idiotic. He said to the effect that restricting Syrian immigration would hurt our national security.
How could limiting IS terrorists from coming here hurt?
5 posted on
11/22/2015 4:08:06 AM PST by
R. Scott
(Humanity i love you because when you're hard up you pawn your Intelligence to buy a drink)
To: HomerBohn
I’d urine test Obama at this point. Something is really not right with the boy
6 posted on
11/22/2015 4:10:07 AM PST by
(The Confederacy was the single greatest conservative resistance to federal authority ever)
To: HomerBohn
The Fuhrer will not be pleased.
16 posted on
11/22/2015 4:48:30 AM PST by
(You are either with us or you are with the terrorists.)
To: HomerBohn
Gowdy is 125% correct.
17 posted on
11/22/2015 4:51:37 AM PST by
Jeff Head
(Semper Fidelis - Molon Labe - Sic Semper Tyrannis)
To: HomerBohn
18 posted on
11/22/2015 5:04:09 AM PST by
Travis McGee
To: HomerBohn
"With all due respect to him..."I love this expression. Whenever I see it, I imagine the level of respect actually afforded by the speaker, to be ZERO. Which, in the case of (p)Resident Zero is precisely appropriate...
21 posted on
11/22/2015 5:12:22 AM PST by
DJ Frisat
(Proudly providing the NSA with provocative textual content since 1995!)
To: HomerBohn
Remember the line Obama drew in Syria? Turns out it was yellow. Where is Barney Greenblatt when we need him?
To: HomerBohn
With all due respect to himGowdy should drop this old Jack French Kemp line. It implies one is hedging his bets and is unsure of what he is about to say.
28 posted on
11/22/2015 5:23:41 AM PST by
Theodore R.
(Liberals keep winning; so the American people must now be all-liberal all the time.)
To: HomerBohn
Gowdy is a yapping poodle.
38 posted on
11/22/2015 6:47:58 AM PST by
(Say what you will about The Donald, but he has all the right enemies.)
To: HomerBohn
Obama is intentionally creating a confrontation between his supporters and the rest of America.
His supporters are primed and ready to go on command and when they do receive that command cities will burn.
A lot of people wont simply sit back and watch everything they own be destroyed or their families lives put in danger, they will fight back.
Governors will be forced into using the National Guard.
Along with the rioting there will be terrorist attacks.
That’s when the fed govt takes control of the National Guard.
39 posted on
11/22/2015 6:56:06 AM PST by
IMR 4350
To: HomerBohn
40 posted on
11/22/2015 6:56:36 AM PST by
(Common sense isn't common anymore.)
To: HomerBohn
“With all due respect to him, ...”
Really wish he’d cut this crap.
42 posted on
11/22/2015 7:01:30 AM PST by
To: HomerBohn
So a suicide bomber blows himself to bits and leaves a widow and children behind. Are these the ones who Obama is referring to when he wonders if ‘they are afraid of widows and orphans’? After all, there are some of these woman in the death cult who are also intent on blowing themselves up and joining their husbands before he gets his 72 virgin reward.
I’m wondering why NOW hasn’t taken Obama to task for his comments. What? Are you saying that there is a job that a man can do and a woman can’t?
43 posted on
11/22/2015 7:06:45 AM PST by
(In life it's important to know what you believe�.but more more importantly, why you believe it.)
To: HomerBohn
Whenever Obama speaks, something is subtracted from the sum total of human knowledge.
50 posted on
11/22/2015 7:22:56 AM PST by
(Multiculturalism is national suicide, and political correctness is the cyanide capsule.)
To: HomerBohn
Someone needs to explained to “the highest IQ POTUS ever” that he just got PWN3D again.
57 posted on
11/22/2015 1:18:57 PM PST by
(Lenin: "Socialized Medicine is the Keystone to the Arch of the Socialist State.")
To: HomerBohn
58 posted on
11/22/2015 1:28:18 PM PST by
Albion Wilde
(If you can't make a deal with a politician, you can't make a deal. --Donald Trump)
To: HomerBohn
Way to respond, Gowdy! Love it.
60 posted on
11/22/2015 1:29:27 PM PST by
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